




Africa in the Global Middle Ages

september 18, 2019

Charly Castillo

Charly Castillo


This stream goes over the expansion of landlocked African empires in the global Middle Ages (c. 1200-1450) and how geography, religion, trade routes, and interactions with non-landlocked empires affected expansion and eventually, their downfalls. Learn about Ethiopia, Great Zimbabwe, and the Hausa Kingdoms.

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Africa in the Global Middle Ages

september 18, 2019

Charly Castillo

Charly Castillo


This stream goes over the expansion of landlocked African empires in the global Middle Ages (c. 1200-1450) and how geography, religion, trade routes, and interactions with non-landlocked empires affected expansion and eventually, their downfalls. Learn about Ethiopia, Great Zimbabwe, and the Hausa Kingdoms.