




5.3 Technology's Impact on Quality of Life

2 min readjune 18, 2024

Claire Duggan

Claire Duggan

Claire Duggan

Claire Duggan

Technology's Effects

The quality of shelter (la qualité du logement) available can have a significant effect on one's own quality of life. Different measurements of housing quality include, but are not limited to: air quality (qualité de l'air), presence of mold (présence de moisissure), safety (sécurité), proximity to work (proximité du travail) etc. Those living in poor-quality homes are at a greater risk for developing chronic disease (maladie chronique) and injuries (blessures), as well as poor mental health (santé mentale).

Technology and science have started to improve various aspects of housing and shelter to improve quality of life. Sustainable design (la conception durable) has become a focus, enabling architects and builders to design homes that are more energy-efficient, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Furthermore, science promotes energy effiency (l'efficacité énergétique), which both helps our environment and promotes the usage of alternate energy sources. 

Travel and Immigration

When moving from one community to another (déménagement), it is easy to notice differences and disparities in quality of life, and this can be due to the above scientific and technological progress. It can also relate to previous parts of this unit and others, like education and aesthetics or personal identity, and display firsthand the cultural differences of life quality. 

Immigration (l'immigration) can further contribute to these differences; immigration can bring diversity and cultural enrichment (l'enrichissement culturel) to a society, as well as new ideas and perspectives. Additionally, immigration can provide a source of economic growth. Though, immigration can put pressure on housing, transportation, and social services, and can lead to increased competition for jobs. 

As the world becomes more open to integration (l'integration) of immigrants and more flexible immigration policy, technology and science will continue to promote universal quality of life!

Possible Prompts

  • Where would you want to move to improve your quality of life? Why?
  • What do you think is more important to quality of life: developments in science or developments in technology? Do you think there is overlap? Explain.
  • Compare quality of living in your community versus a Francophone community. Be sure to reflect on housing and how this impacts quality of life.
  • What is the most important advancement in science or technology that you find to have improved your life quality? Do you think the answer would be the same for a French teenager?

Strive for Five vocabulary 🔑 

Logement - housing

Hébergement - housing

Qualité du logement - quality of housing

Ménage - household

Inégalité - inequality

Cadre de vie - living environment

Habitations à loyer modéré (HLM) -subsidized housing

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5.3 Technology's Impact on Quality of Life

2 min readjune 18, 2024

Claire Duggan

Claire Duggan

Claire Duggan

Claire Duggan

Technology's Effects

The quality of shelter (la qualité du logement) available can have a significant effect on one's own quality of life. Different measurements of housing quality include, but are not limited to: air quality (qualité de l'air), presence of mold (présence de moisissure), safety (sécurité), proximity to work (proximité du travail) etc. Those living in poor-quality homes are at a greater risk for developing chronic disease (maladie chronique) and injuries (blessures), as well as poor mental health (santé mentale).

Technology and science have started to improve various aspects of housing and shelter to improve quality of life. Sustainable design (la conception durable) has become a focus, enabling architects and builders to design homes that are more energy-efficient, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Furthermore, science promotes energy effiency (l'efficacité énergétique), which both helps our environment and promotes the usage of alternate energy sources. 

Travel and Immigration

When moving from one community to another (déménagement), it is easy to notice differences and disparities in quality of life, and this can be due to the above scientific and technological progress. It can also relate to previous parts of this unit and others, like education and aesthetics or personal identity, and display firsthand the cultural differences of life quality. 

Immigration (l'immigration) can further contribute to these differences; immigration can bring diversity and cultural enrichment (l'enrichissement culturel) to a society, as well as new ideas and perspectives. Additionally, immigration can provide a source of economic growth. Though, immigration can put pressure on housing, transportation, and social services, and can lead to increased competition for jobs. 

As the world becomes more open to integration (l'integration) of immigrants and more flexible immigration policy, technology and science will continue to promote universal quality of life!

Possible Prompts

  • Where would you want to move to improve your quality of life? Why?
  • What do you think is more important to quality of life: developments in science or developments in technology? Do you think there is overlap? Explain.
  • Compare quality of living in your community versus a Francophone community. Be sure to reflect on housing and how this impacts quality of life.
  • What is the most important advancement in science or technology that you find to have improved your life quality? Do you think the answer would be the same for a French teenager?

Strive for Five vocabulary 🔑 

Logement - housing

Hébergement - housing

Qualité du logement - quality of housing

Ménage - household

Inégalité - inequality

Cadre de vie - living environment

Habitations à loyer modéré (HLM) -subsidized housing