









Presentation used in stream

april 1, 2020

Steven Kucklick

Steven Kucklick


Unit 1 of the Cram Pass! In this stream we cover all the major topics of Unit 1. These include: the end of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the new monarchies, and the Age of Exploration. Besides digging into the specifics of each topic, we also situated the unit in a larger context to the rest of course and how it fits in to the larger themes of the class.

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Presentation used in stream

april 1, 2020

Steven Kucklick

Steven Kucklick


Unit 1 of the Cram Pass! In this stream we cover all the major topics of Unit 1. These include: the end of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the new monarchies, and the Age of Exploration. Besides digging into the specifics of each topic, we also situated the unit in a larger context to the rest of course and how it fits in to the larger themes of the class.