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Meriem Bazine
Meriem Bazine
Certain chemicals produced naturally or through human activity affect the ecosystem in a negative way.
Examples of Hormones in the Endocrine System
Despite how harmful they are, endocrine disruptors can be found in many of the items you use daily, such as plastic items, foods, and pesticides! Some of the most common disruptors include BPA, triclosan, and perchlorate. On products such as water bottles or containers, you might see labels that say “BPA Free”, meaning that those products are free of that endocrine disruptor.
Within animals in the ecosystem, endocrine disruptors can cause unusual growth patterns and issues with reproduction. For humans, there is an increased risk of certain ailments and reproductive problems. Birth defects, gender imbalance, and issues with development can occur within both aquatic and land organisms.
Plastic items with BPA that are used by humans can end up in the oceans, where they are ingested by wildlife who are now subject to the effects of the endocrine disruptor 😔. Some endocrine disruptors take a very long time to break down, leading to further damage as more organisms come into contact with the item.
It is important to note that it is difficult to find the exact causes or endocrine disruptors that cause these issues because organisms can be exposed to many endocrine disruptors at one time, making the effects difficult to study. 🤔
Endocrine disruption within wildlife has more concrete evidence, perhaps due to higher levels of exposure. Some effects of exposure to endocrine disruptors within wildlife are egg thinning in birds, imposex mollusks (when females have male genitalia), feminization in freshwater fish that are exposed to treated sewage outflow, and changes in the reproduction of certain alligators and turtles. Possible effects that have less solid evidence are reproductive issues in whales, seals, and polar bears, hindered immune system function within seals, and frogs with abnormal skeletal structures.
Normally, the body’s endocrine system causes little changes in the levels of hormones. However, these seemingly small changes can lead to big effects developmentally as well as biologically. Endocrine disruptors may have caused evident changes in patterns of human health over later decades. Some examples of these changes are an increase in genetic deformities within males, a higher occurrence of certain hormonally linked cancers, and the lowering of sperm count within some areas of the world. Albeit more scientifically controversial, there may also be a link between endocrine disruptors and neural formation or sexual practices.
This information results in the understanding that even if there is only a small amount of endocrine-distrusting chemicals, they may still be considered dangerous. There needs to be more research done on how endocrine disruptors potentially affect specific aspects of human health, the mechanisms behind endocrine disruptors, the mixing of different endocrine disruptors, prolonged low-dose exposure, exposure to those of varying ages, and exposure to humans that may have a higher susceptibility to endocrine disruptors.
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Meriem Bazine
Meriem Bazine
Certain chemicals produced naturally or through human activity affect the ecosystem in a negative way.
Examples of Hormones in the Endocrine System
Despite how harmful they are, endocrine disruptors can be found in many of the items you use daily, such as plastic items, foods, and pesticides! Some of the most common disruptors include BPA, triclosan, and perchlorate. On products such as water bottles or containers, you might see labels that say “BPA Free”, meaning that those products are free of that endocrine disruptor.
Within animals in the ecosystem, endocrine disruptors can cause unusual growth patterns and issues with reproduction. For humans, there is an increased risk of certain ailments and reproductive problems. Birth defects, gender imbalance, and issues with development can occur within both aquatic and land organisms.
Plastic items with BPA that are used by humans can end up in the oceans, where they are ingested by wildlife who are now subject to the effects of the endocrine disruptor 😔. Some endocrine disruptors take a very long time to break down, leading to further damage as more organisms come into contact with the item.
It is important to note that it is difficult to find the exact causes or endocrine disruptors that cause these issues because organisms can be exposed to many endocrine disruptors at one time, making the effects difficult to study. 🤔
Endocrine disruption within wildlife has more concrete evidence, perhaps due to higher levels of exposure. Some effects of exposure to endocrine disruptors within wildlife are egg thinning in birds, imposex mollusks (when females have male genitalia), feminization in freshwater fish that are exposed to treated sewage outflow, and changes in the reproduction of certain alligators and turtles. Possible effects that have less solid evidence are reproductive issues in whales, seals, and polar bears, hindered immune system function within seals, and frogs with abnormal skeletal structures.
Normally, the body’s endocrine system causes little changes in the levels of hormones. However, these seemingly small changes can lead to big effects developmentally as well as biologically. Endocrine disruptors may have caused evident changes in patterns of human health over later decades. Some examples of these changes are an increase in genetic deformities within males, a higher occurrence of certain hormonally linked cancers, and the lowering of sperm count within some areas of the world. Albeit more scientifically controversial, there may also be a link between endocrine disruptors and neural formation or sexual practices.
This information results in the understanding that even if there is only a small amount of endocrine-distrusting chemicals, they may still be considered dangerous. There needs to be more research done on how endocrine disruptors potentially affect specific aspects of human health, the mechanisms behind endocrine disruptors, the mixing of different endocrine disruptors, prolonged low-dose exposure, exposure to those of varying ages, and exposure to humans that may have a higher susceptibility to endocrine disruptors.
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