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Jenni MacLean
Jenni MacLean
The Tragedy of the Commons 🎭signifies a situation in which a common good is shared by several people (or, in this class, species). In the paper by Garrett Hardin (1968) that explains this phenomenon, he explains that participants in this resource sharing will take more and more of the resource given that it serves their cause. In his article, Hardin used the example of field open to herders or farmers, in which the addition of animals directly leads to increases in profit. This overuse of resources leads to overgrazing, which ultimately destroys the pasture for all herders. When thinking about this in an environmental sense, we will see that people will continue practicing certain habits believing that, on a global scale, their actions have no consequences. This leads to many examples of the tragedy where a resource is depleted or destroyed because of overuse for one's gain.
Examples of
Ways to regulate people's actions:
Scenarios of Commons
This concept can be applied to any common good; let's look at a few examples and apply the regulations to solve the degradation of the commons.
Here is another example of a tragedy of the commons. Can you identify laws, privatization, and education strategies for preserving the commons?
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Jenni MacLean
Jenni MacLean
The Tragedy of the Commons 🎭signifies a situation in which a common good is shared by several people (or, in this class, species). In the paper by Garrett Hardin (1968) that explains this phenomenon, he explains that participants in this resource sharing will take more and more of the resource given that it serves their cause. In his article, Hardin used the example of field open to herders or farmers, in which the addition of animals directly leads to increases in profit. This overuse of resources leads to overgrazing, which ultimately destroys the pasture for all herders. When thinking about this in an environmental sense, we will see that people will continue practicing certain habits believing that, on a global scale, their actions have no consequences. This leads to many examples of the tragedy where a resource is depleted or destroyed because of overuse for one's gain.
Examples of
Ways to regulate people's actions:
Scenarios of Commons
This concept can be applied to any common good; let's look at a few examples and apply the regulations to solve the degradation of the commons.
Here is another example of a tragedy of the commons. Can you identify laws, privatization, and education strategies for preserving the commons?
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